The CrossRoads Connection: A Vision for 2025
How many made some New Year’s Resolutions? How many have broken New Year’s Resolutions? A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. An intention, resolve, decision, plan or aim. We intend to do a thing, but some other thing keeps us from doing the thing we said or what we promised!
In John 2:1-11, we find Jesus at a wedding. He is in Cana of Galilee near Nazareth. Mary and Jesus were at this wedding, along with Jesus’s disciples. It appears Mary had something to do with the arrangements of this wedding. She was either hosting the party or was at least involved to some extent because she was worried when the wine ran out. She also had authority to instruct the servants.
A Jewish wedding feast in Jesus’ day could go on for a week to ten days. It was a huge celebration! And wine, lots of wine would be consumed! Without wine, the Rabbis would say, “There is no joy.”
So, imagine how Mary must have felt when she was told that the wine was gone! So, Mary went to Jesus to tell him what was wrong. She is in authority, so she says, “Jesus we are out of wine”! Then, she said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you”. Jesus is about to show His first miracle! He is going to take something and change it into something else!
“God uses the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary.”
Mary told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” Isn’t that the key to life? If we want God to move in our lives, we must be ready to do what He says. It’s not always easy, and we may make a lot of missteps and mistakes to get it right, but if we do, and when we do, we will find ourselves living within a miracle.
There were six stone water jars, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, Fill the jars with water, so they filled them to the brim. The servants were in a special place of blessing for this miracle. Jesus could have filled the pots himself, or just as easily created the liquid in the pots, but He knew that if the servants shared in the work, then they also shared in the blessing.
Then Jesus said, serve the wine to the one in charge of this feast! When they took some out to the master of ceremonies, he tasted the water that had been turned into wine and it was the best, most choice wine! Jesus turned what had been ordinary into the best wine they had tasted all night!
Ordinary people who truly come to Jesus are transformed. Their life is changed forever. The decision to follow Jesus Christ, to do what He says, is the single most important thing a human being can do. It is the key to everything! Don’t forget Mary’s words: “Do whatever he tells you.”
You see, Jesus takes an empty and inadequate situation and makes the best out of it. He takes the water they have and makes the wine they need.
Have you ever looked at your life and thought, I’m kind of inadequate? After all, I’m too old to make much difference anymore. I might as well hang it up! It’s the same for those who feel too young, or too uneducated, or not spiritual enough. None of us are enough. But God has a way of using the ordinary and turning it into something extra ordinary!
He took plain, old ordinary water and transformed it into the best wine the world has ever known. That’s what Jesus can do with your life, no matter who you are, how much money you do or don’t have, whether you consider yourself multi-talented or no talented. Nothing is impossible for God. No one is a lost cause. Every one of us are empty pots who have been or needs to be filled with His potential. All we need to do is, “Do whatever he tells us”.
The disciples were just twelve ordinary people in every way. So, what qualified them to be apostles? It wasn't any ability or outstanding talent of their own. They were Galileans and were considered low-class, rural, uneducated people. They were commoners and nobodies, but those nobodies would become the very foundation of the church! Sometimes we think we're worthless nobodies, but be encouraged, God will make you a somebody! God uses nobodies to do great things!
When the Master of Ceremonies tasted the wine he said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now”. I truly believe our greatest revivals and ministry days are still ahead of us!
Many who are looking for places to connect with other people. Many are searching for meaning in their lives. The church should be a place of connection and purpose! Jesus was perfectly at home rejoicing at a wedding party. There is no reason why we shouldn’t be cheerful and overflowing with love and generosity. It should be one of the main attributes of the church.
If the wine is flowing in the church, there is no reason why His Church shouldn’t be one big party for God! People are looking for meaning in their lives; they are searching for real. They are begging the church to be authentic. My friends, that is us, just ordinary folks. God loves and uses ordinary folks.
Mary instructed the servants at the wedding: “Do whatever he tells you.” That’s just what they did, and Jesus transformed regular old water into the very best wine.
2025 is here! Jesus has saved the best for NOW! Are you ready to DO WHAT HE SAYS!
Hope to see you at CrossRoads soon.
Prayers and Blessings, Pastor Danny Neal