newsJanuary 29, 2025

Learn about the inspiring nominees for the 2025 Pemiscot Press Difference Makers Awards, including community heroes like Cheryl Wolfenkoehler, Tyrone Hendershot, Shea Watkins, and Mon Grays, who are transforming lives.

Difference Maker Nominees

In last weeks edition we listed those who have been nominated for the 2025 Pemiscot Press Difference Makers Awards. This week we continue with more nominees. These county wide residents who have stood out among their neighbors will be listed in next weeks editions ballots for you, the readers, to vote on. Nominees will be accepted until January 31. To nominate someone you know, send their name, where they live and why they should be considered a Difference Maker to

I am writing to make a nomination of Cheryl Wolfenkoehler as Pemiscot County difference maker. I believe Cheryl is the perfect difference maker in our community because of her willingness to help anyone even if a stranger that is in need. I have worked with her since 2017 and have learned so much from her. I have seen her go out of her way to shop for groceries for a few families in need, I have seen her help a young man with gym membership dues so that he could adopt a healthier lifestyle. She has helped me in a time of need as well. My vehicle is adapted with equipment that allows me to drive as a paraplegic. One piece of that equipment failed recently and she ordered the part on her own will so that I could be up and going and able to drive to work independently as soon as possible.

She is a wonderful person with a huge heart that would help anyone in need and I believe that she is more than deserving of this award.

I would like to nominate Tyrone Hendershot as a difference maker for Pascola.  I live in Wardell, but as a surrounding community member, I have seen lots of the great things that Tyrone has done for his community.  The town of Pascola has been diminishing for years now.  He has tried to keep the town looking as nice as possible by buying lots and homes and keeping them clean.  He also decorates the properties with his unique collection of antiques and vintage signs.  Tyrone has the biggest most generous heart when it comes to the youth.  He is always donating to and buying things from the youth to benefit any area, but especially his own.  He also has a fish pond that he keeps stocked and lets local kids go there and fish.  He says he likes to give them something to do that is not video games or something that will get them in trouble.   He employs some of the local kids to help with all his livestock.  By doing this he also mentors these youth and shows them the value of hard work.  I don’t know if he would want everyone knowing about all these things because he doesn’t like to get any credit or recognition for how kind, generous, and big hearted he truly is.

I would love to nominate Shea Watkins as a Difference Maker! Because of Shea’s love for the Lord, she always goes out of her way to do things for others and to help people out whenever needed. Several years ago, Shea started a MOM’s Class at the church. During that time, she was able to connect with many young ladies and help us to be able to see God in every aspect of life. Her main goal was and still is spreading the true word of God. Shea has also touched the lives of many youth in Pemiscot County. She has headed our community soup kitchen, Back yard bible study, FUGE organization for our church, a member of PEO, just to name a few. Being an educator is not Shea only superpower, she is a shining light to everyone’s path she crosses. For these reasons and more, I would like to nominate Shea Watkins for Difference Maker!

I would like to nominate my friend and co-worker Cheryl Pollard Wolfenkoehler as the Pemiscot County difference maker.  She does so much behind the scenes without any recognition. She has opened her heart to so many in need or struggling, whether you are a friend or a stranger on the street.  When she hears you are in need, she will make sure it comes to you.  And does it all while telling you about Jesus!  She can be your shoulder to cry on, put food on your table or a roof over your head for the night, all without asking for anything in return.  I have seen her rent a hotel room for people to have a safe and warm place to sleep and take them to the store for food and no limit on the money spent or what they want.  She has paid for car repairs for people that she’s never met because she heard of their struggle..Jesus is definitely working through her!  I am blessed to call her a friend and have her in my life!

Mon Grays was born and raised in Pemiscot County. Mon served in the Army and National Guard as a Staff Sergeant for 27 years. He has volunteered in many organizations from Fatherhood first to Bootheel Healthy Start. He worked for Emerson Electric for 27 years, is retired military, and even got 14 years in at ARI before retiring. Every year he and his wife Eria serve at the Annual Take a Kid Fishing event at Combs Lake that serve Pemiscot, Dunklin, and other local counties. He has won many awards for raising the most funds for the community events that his volunteer organizations have put on. He is trusted throughout the community and has served in many community boards and volunteered in various capacities. When he and his lovely wife show up for a cause, you can trust it is a worthwhile one that will make a great impact and elevate the community. Mon’s is part of a proud legacy of Grays’ that served the community and county for years. Grays spends his free time fixing old lawn mowers and selling them for little of nothing to bless people in the community. He will even give them credit on the sale if they trade in their old mowers. Grays is one of the most generous people we know. He has given work to people down on their luck, given money, and served others by providing food to the less fortunate and mowing the grass for the elderly. Grays has touched the lives of so many in the county for 3/4 of a century.

I would like to nominate Cheryl for Pemiscot County difference maker. Cheryl does so much behind the scenes for people in our county that she is never recognized for. She is the first to step up to make a difference in the lives of people that need it in every kind of way. I have watched her step in to help better the lives of those who need a 2nd chance when no one else would give it to them. She is an angel.
